Support Abbie


According to the CDC, autism impacts 1 in 59 children, and that is not counting those with similar challenges. Unfortunately, not all needs can be met in a traditional school, and that’s where we come in. Abbie School is a place of hope and flexibility, meeting our student’s personal and academic needs in a peaceful and beautiful setting. We offer students an opportunity to create friendships, experience education, grow their interests and discover new passions in a way that makes sense to them. Children with disabilities are full of gifts, just waiting to be cultivated. Link arms with us, and help our students lead fulfilling, independent and productive lives; full of love, friendship and hope. Please consider our autism donation options below for your generous gift.

Building For Our Fututure

Help us reach our donation goal of $250,000 to help support our Capital Campaign to renovate and rebuild our campus.


Building For Our Abbie School Future

Sensory Room Build Out

Help us reach our goal of $20k to complete the build out of our state of the art Sensory Room.


Building For Our Abbie School Future

Rich in history, The Abbie  School evolved from The Abbie Loveland Tuller School, a boarding school and college that operated for nearly 60 years in Tucson. There are approximately 9 buildings on the sprawling 4-acre campus that are now showing the wear and tear of the years.
Since the construction of our original campus in the 1950’s, building codes and safety standards have changed. Many of our campus buildings are in need of new plumbing, roofs, windows and HVAC systems. Our concern is that at some point, our rundown buildings will begin to affect the educational experience for our students and working experience for our staff. Through this campaign, we are raising funds to support capital improvements that will make our campus a safer, more accessible place for future generations of Abbie School scholars.
We are fortunate to have the support of a local architect who has generously donated his time to our building project, however, we are in need of a tremendous amount of in-kind and capital support. If you have affiliations in the construction, plumbing, or HVAC industry and can donate materials or time, we need you! If you are a contractor with access to building materials and supplies, we need you! If you care about our student’s future success as contributing members of our community, we need you!
We are just beginning the process of developing a comprehensive plan to undertake the planning and construction of this building project. For now, please consider donating to our campaign for the renovation of the Abbie Academy campus. Your one-time or recurring donation to our building campaign is tax-deductible as a charitable contribution to the full extent of the law.

Tax Credit Scholarships

Your private school tax credit contribution will allow us to educate more even more children in need.


Tax Credit Scholarships

Tax Credit Scholarships

Your private school tax credit contribution will allow us to educate more even more children in need.


Your private school tax credit contribution will allow us to educate more even more children in need, it’s a fantastic autism donation.
When tax credits are given in the name of the school, we can help the students who need it the most.
The Arizona Private School Tax Credit, is a redirection of the state taxes you already owe (or have already paid). It is a way for you to decide how your tax dollars are spent, and an opportunity to make a significant impact, and investment in the lives of others.
In the 2024 tax year, you can redirect up to $2,910 if you are married and filing jointly, and up to $1,459 if you are filing single. These funds are given to a School Tuition Organization (STO), which is a non-profit organization, regulated by the Arizona Department of Revenue. STOs exist for the purpose of turning tax credits into scholarships.
Upon receipt of your tax credit, STOs like Arizona Tuition Connection, provide you with a tax receipt and then notify Abbie of the tax credit gift. Your gift is then sent to the school in the name of a deserving child, funding a scholarship and changing a life.
Similar to an individual, in Arizona C and S corporations are now able to redirect their corporate tax liability to schools like Abbie. Corporations can make a huge impact for low income or disabled students.

For more information regarding the Arizona Private School Tax Credit, or to donate, please visit the following Student Tuition Organizations:

Institute For Better Education

Arizona Tuition Connection 

Please note! We encourage you to let us know if you’ve made a tax donation through one of the STO’s, so that we can send you an appropriate thank you!

Corporate Sponsorships

Children with disabilities are full of gifts, just waiting to be cultivated.


Corporate Sponsorships

Corporate Sponsorships

Children with disabilities are full of gifts, just waiting to be cultivated.


Many local corporations support philanthropic causes and charities that are important to their employees. The Abbie School can provide corporations with many forms of promotion to help increase community awareness for their business. If your company is interested in exploring branding and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Lee Bucyk , our Development & Marketing Director.

Also, many companies have Employee Matching Gift Programs, that match an autism donation made to The Abbie School. If your company matches, simply complete their required matching gift form when you make your gift and they will do the rest.

Finally, any eligible business with an Arizona tax liability can donate to either the Low-Income Scholarship Program and/or the Disabled/Displaced Scholarship Program. These programs help children who are low-income, disabled, or have been a ward of the state ( displaced) to attend the private school that best fits their needs, all while giving the donating corporation a dollar-for-dollar tax credit! Your corporation can even recommend a school to benefit from these scholarships! For more info on corporate benefits, please click the link below.

Corporate Portfolio- The Abbie

Planned Giving

Leave a legacy of financial sustainability and education.


Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Leave a legacy of financial sustainability and education.

Education is a legacy and there are many ways to ensure that legacy for The Abbie School. Some examples of planned giving include a bequest in your will or trust. Other examples might include cash, securities, real estate, life insurance policies, or retirement plans Whether you donate cash, appreciated securities/stock, real estate, life insurance, or a retirement plan, the benefits of funding a planned gift can make this type of charitable giving beneficial to both yourself and Abbie School. We encourage you to discuss planned giving options with your tax attorney or CPA. If you are interested in learning more about how you can make a legacy gift to The Abbie School, please email our Director of Development, Lee Bucyk or call 520.300.0193.


Your gift will help to secure The Abbie mission well into the future.




Your gift will help to secure The Abbie mission well into the future.


An endowment is a permanent, designated fund from which only earned income is spent; the principal is invested under the guidance of the Board of Directors of The Abbie School.

An endowment is a gift in perpetuity, with the interest earned directed toward the goals & operation of The Abbie School; or as designated by the donor. While our ongoing expenses are largely met through the Annual Fund and tuition, Abbie School’s future depends on the receipt of endowments from those who support our school, and the specialized education it provides to students with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Naming Opportunities

Memorialize someone special for years to come.


Naming Opportunities

Naming Opportunities

Memorialize someone special for years to come.


Would you like to memorialize or honor someone special in your life? Perhaps a loved one or special educator? At Abbie School, we have many naming opportunities available to commemorate that special person in your life. Examples might include a particular classroom, playground area, garden area, bench or even a dedicated scholarship. Gifts of $2,500 and above are recognized in publications, signage, online, and with a naming opportunity plaque.

Cash Donations

Every gift, no matter how small, supports a child in need.


Cash Donations

Cash Donations

Every gift, no matter how small, supports a child in need.


We welcome your cash donations, made payable to The Abbie School, 5870 E. 14th Street, Tucson, AZ 85711 or via secure online donation through our online portal.

For information or questions regarding any donations or charitable gifts of other means, please contact:

Lee Bucyk

Director, Development & Marketing
[email protected]